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Anime Quotes Part 2

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There are only so many lives I can value. And...I decided who those people were six years ago. So...You shouldn't try to ask for my pity. Because right now, I don't have...Time to spare or room in my heart.

Kill me. Make it quick. I no longer have the strength left in me to even walk. If you do not cut me down now, then this will go unsettled for eternity.

Vorona said:

If there's any possibility that I might visit this city again...Then I challenge you to a duel. I wish to speak with you head-on, to within an inch of my life...To actually experience the joy of existing in this world...that is my desire.

Ylva said:

Well, if they're dead, then that's the end of it. Crying about it gets you nothing but an empty stomach

Haruhiro said:

We fall into a routine and make careless mistakes because of that. Maybe it'd be good for us to have some excitement or be under pressure once in a while.

Wealth is a nightmare. With each coveted thing we buy, we lose a thing we dream about.

Ymir said:

I want to survive...And see her again. As a person, I'm really lower than shit...But she knows that, and she smiles kindly at me anyway.

Bishamonten said:

You are human, are you not? You are allowed to make mistakes.

Love provides the worth of everything in the world. Without, silver, horses, and women...all are worthless.

Blue Owl said:

A true hero is a sage with a clean heart, a fake hero is a fool with an ignoble heart. The sage will be saved and the fool will be punished.

Mary said:

Okay. I will protect all of you. I will never let another friend die.

Kazuma said:

I'm a coward. But I wanted to stay by your side. The truth is I was so happy to hear that you needed me, I took advantage of your words. But you're crying again, because of me. I'm no blessed vessel. I'm just a piece of junk. I was supposed to guide you, but this was the only way I knew how.

You keep your nerves on edge and you're always ready to lash out. You distance yourself from everyone. It's because you are afraid of people. YOU are the weakest person in this village.

Not all people in prison are criminals

Kai said:

If all life is so important, then the most evil of all beings on this earth are without a doubt humans. If there weren't any people on earth, the environment and conditions that all living things live in would be drastically better. Even if there were no school to teach us the stuff we know, it would still be obvious to everyone, wouldn't it? Just think of all that's happened to the earth due to our desires and ego.

Blue Owl said:

There's no master who deliberately lets his birds escape from his birdcage

Haruhiro said:

Yeah, we've become friends. When you're in the same party, there will be times when things don't go smoothly, when you get angry, and when you fight. But they really are your precious friends. It doesn't matter why you became friends, but that you are friends at this moment.

Thorkell said:

Doesn't it ever get boring always being on the winning side?

Bishamonten said:

You asked me if I was ready to carry on. In all honesty, I am not sure of myself. But there is something that must be done now. And I will do it.

Yhwach. You desired a world... Where fear would no longer be a burden. But... In a world without fear of death... People will never attain the hope that is to be found from casting their fears aside and preserving through them. While it is true that people can continue to press forward through the simple act of living... That is no way comparable to marching forward in the face of death, while doing their damndest to keep it at bay. That is why... That is why people have given that very march a unique and special name. "COURAGE."

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